Choulle digital
Choulledigital is a company that specializes in creating apps that extend the functionality of Atlassian Cloud products, such as Jira and Confluence. Their apps are designed to help businesses and organizations use these tools more effectively and efficiently. Atlassian Cloud products are powerful tools for project management and collaboration. With Jira, teams can track and manage their projects and tasks, and with Confluence, teams can create, share, and collaborate on documents and other content. Choulledigital's apps are designed to enhance the functionality of these tools and make ...
See on the Atlassian Marketplace.Choulle digital Top Selling Addons
Limitless cascading level select
Easily manage multiple levels select with our Limitless cascading level select app - Now Supporting Jira Service Desk Portal
limitless cascading level dropdown
Multi level cascading dropdown for Jira